High-quality maintenance and upkeep on your strata property are essential for a well-maintained community. Failing to keep the gates in good condition will give your community a run-down appearance. Doors that fail to close or are rusted shut will quickly be covered in graffiti. Here is why you should repair your gate.


Security is one of the essential features of your strata property, and gate repair can go a long way to ensuring that your property is secure. An external gate with a lock will need to be inspected and repaired regularly to ensure that it stays in good condition and can be easily opened and closed. 

If you have an internal gate, this will also need regular inspection and repairs as it will likely be used far more frequently than an external one. The hinges on inner gates may wear down over time and need replacing so residents can easily open and close the gate.

Increase Home Value

The other reason you should care about gate repair is that it will help increase the value of your home. A well-maintained property will sell faster and for more money than one that needs repair work. When buyers look at the property, they want to see that it takes pride in its appearance and upkeep. 

If they see that you don’t care about maintaining the property, they may assume that other areas have also been neglected. This could cause them to pass on buying the home altogether or try to negotiate down on price because they think there must be something wrong with it; otherwise, why would someone let their gate fall apart?

Curb Appearance

Curb appeal is the first thing people notice when looking at your property. It can make or break the look of a house and influence whether potential buyers will give it a second glance. Deteriorating gates are an obvious eyesore that can affect your home’s curb appeal. They also create safety hazards, which could cause injury to you or someone else. If a gate is damaged or missing, people may be tempted to climb over it or walk through the opening instead of using the proper entrance hence the need for strata maintenance.

Gate’s Functionality

If your gate is not working, it can be a severe problem for you and your neighbours. For instance, if you live on the ground floor, you may not be able to get out of your home without going through other people’s properties. If you have children and pets, they may also be at risk of getting lost in the common area or being harmed by traffic.

If your gate can’t be opened or closed, it’s a problem that may require more than just a simple cleaning. Gate repair in a strata property involves assessment and determination of the situation, followed by repair if the gate is salvageable. If the gate is beyond repair and too costly to replace, you may have to consider getting a new one. For gate repair, let Nex Gen Tredies repair your gate; give them a call today.