Many people are now waking up to the investment potential of purchased strata-titled properties. The population is aging, and the demand for property is skyrocketing. This has led to many more people buying strata-titled properties as their first property. Undoubtedly, a Strata titled property can make a significant investment; however, this comes with added responsibilities. So how do you maintain your Strata property?


One of the essential parts of your home is the plumbing. Ensure that you have a good water supply and that your waste disposal works appropriately. It’s also necessary to keep your plumbing in good condition because if there’s a leak, it can cause a lot of damage to your home. Have your plumbing done by a professional from Nex Gen Tradies. They have years of experience installing and repairing plumbing systems in Perth homes. They can also help you with leaky taps or toilets that might be causing you trouble.


You need electricity for everything in your home, so it’s essential to ensure that it’s safe and reliable. If there are any damaged wires or frayed cables, they could start a fire or even electrocute someone who touches them. Make sure you call an electrician from Nex Gen Tradies if you notice anything wrong with your wiring so they can fix it before anything wrong happens.

Air conditioning

Air conditioners work hard to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter, but they need regular maintenance to ensure they’re working at their best. Make an appointment with a licensed professional at least once a year to have your air conditioner inspected, cleaned, and adjusted. If you have an old or dirty filter, it can reduce airflow and make your unit work harder than it needs to. Check the filter monthly and replace it as required. Any time you change your filter, check for leaks that may indicate a problem, like a loose connection or leaky valve.

Maintenance of the property perimeter

Fences, walls, and gates often surround residential buildings. These are important to keep the property secure and prevent people from trespassing. The gates should have sturdy locks to prevent people from entering without authorisation. In addition, the gates should be made of durable materials such as steel or iron.

If you notice that your gate is damaged, you might want to get it fixed as soon as possible. A damaged gate can cause accidents and injuries, so it’s best to have it repaired immediately. The best way to improve your residential building’s entrance is by hiring a professional company like NexGen Tradies.

It’s not hard to see that it’s essential to get your maintenance management right in a strata system. Otherwise, you could end up with a sinking ship on your hands. Many great Strata maintenance companies can help you get the most out of your property investments. However, Nex Gen Tradies is the best in Perth, so don’t hesitate to give them a call today.