Help for Strata Managers During Covid-19

The one-stop property maintenance and repairs company easing the stress of Perth’s Strata and Property managers is NexGen Tradies.

Operating under Covid-19 protocols, during social distancing restrictions the company’s tradies and handymen are currently able to service their clients’ needs, continuing to take care of strata or rental properties as if they were their own. 

All building industry trades are represented. All team members are experienced and qualified in their specific trades.

Observing pandemic protocols

Whether it is a routine job at a strata unit or an emergency repair, NexGen Tradies personnel can work suited up in personal protection equipment while observing the social distancing no-contact requirements.

Leading the way with more than 15 years experience in Perth’s property maintenance and repairs industry, NexGen Tradies team members, from trade qualified professionals to handymen, are ready for action during the pandemic.

Minor repairs are done by trusted handymen who are also able help with more seemingly trivial and unusual tasks, which might involve changing a tap washer, replacing light bulbs, setting up motion sensor solar lighting or tuning a new television.

Avoid a bottleneck

If any Strata Manager or Property Manager has a growing list of repairs or maintenance to be carried out, calling NexGen Tradies now will help avoid a major bottleneck in a few weeks time. Work may be able to be done now in accordance with the current ‘no-contact’ restrictions. Or you will at least be near the front of the queue.

End of lease repairs and maintenance are daily concerns for Strata Managers and real estate Property managers. Fixed free quotes are available and NexGen Tradies coordinates all trades needed. This saves time and money.

Less worry for managers

All trades carry industry certifications and memberships. Strata Managers and Property Managers do not have to worry about insurances, as trades and handymen are covered by Workers Compensation and Public Liability.

The company is aware of the pressures Strata and Property Managers face.

Strata Managers collect levies, run meetings, look after financial affairs and insurance, deal with   complaints that must be resolved at committee level, and arrange for maintenance and repairs to be carried out. Most strata managers administrate several strata companies.

Property managers work for real estate agencies, looking after ‘the rent roll’, a job that matches the stressful demands a strata manager faces.

As well as interacting with landlords and tenants, Property managers ensure vacating tenants leave a property clean and safe for new tenants. They evaluate rental applicants, handle complaints, organise maintenance and repairs, and regularly carry out rental inspections. Before a property can be leased, it has to be shown to prospective tenants, another task for the property manager.

Reliability of ongoing support

Dealing with the practicalities of their roles, Strata and Property managers need the reliability of ongoing support by a property maintenance and repairs company offering the full scope of services at reasonable rates.

To get a property maintenance company on board, Strata managers have to approach landlords for their stamp of approval. Real estate Property managers may have more flexibility with their landlords, so in most cases would be able to call the preferred company they have on their books. To make NexGen Tradies your regular maintenance and repairs company talk to NexGen Tradies.