As we all know, every gate stands in need of maintenance. We need to keep our gates well maintained so they can work at their highest level. Unfortunately, most of us are not that good at maintaining the gates. If you want to make sure your gate continues to stand proudly after many years of use and abuse, you need to maintain it regularly. Here is what you can do in order to maintain your gate the right way.

Clean your gate

A simple way to keep a gate in good condition is to clean it regularly. This can be done with the use of a garden hose and some mild detergent. The process can be completed in about an hour. One of the most important reasons for cleaning gates is to prevent them from rusting. Rust can cause gates to break down. If this happens, there are more expensive repairs that will need to be done.

Lubricate the gate parts

Lubricating the moving parts of a gate will help them move better and more smoothly. It also helps reduce metal-on-metal friction, which can cause wear and tear on metal pieces. Lubrication also reduces the likelihood of rust forming on metal pieces so that they operate more smoothly. Lubricate the moving parts of your gate once every six months using a lubricant recommended by your gate manufacturer or installer.

Which parts of the gate can be Lubricated?

The moving parts of a pedestrian or driveway gate should be lubricated once every six months or as recommended by your manufacturer or installer. Use a spray or drip oil designed for use on metal surfaces such as WD-40. If your gate has nylon rollers, use a dry lubricant instead of an oil-based lubricant.

Check on the electric opener

Just because you have an electric opener does not mean that it is going to work forever. Even if you have a new one, it is still important that you check it out every now and then. The main reason for this is that there are some parts that are going to wear down with time. 

If they do not get replaced, they can start to cause problems with the gate. So, when you look at the automatic gate, pay attention to the motor and the sensors. These are two parts that should be checked regularly.

Get a professional to repair your gate

This is an essential thing that you must do. A professional has the right tools and skills to restore the functionality of your gate. They understand how each part works and can easily fix any problem with it.

For gate repairs Perth, a professional can be able to spot potential problems before they occur and can give advice on what you should do to prevent them from occurring in the future.

Furthermore, professionals will provide not only gate repairs but also installation services if necessary. So, if your old gate needs to be replaced, they can provide you with a new one as well as install it for you.

If you have no idea how to maintain your gate and are looking for a cost-effective and reliable solution to keep your gate in top condition, you should contact Nex Gen Tradies. We offer all kinds of gate service at an affordable price, so get in touch with us now.