Perth Ceiling Crack Repair

Are your ceilings and cornices cracking up? Don’t think it’s funny?

Want to ensure your home is safe from any potential structural damage?

There are a number of reasons and hiring a professional to inspect your walls to determine the reason is a must. Building movement, impact damage and general age deterioration can all contribute to cracks and damage to your ceilings and cornices.

But first, we’re here to tell you why ceilings actually crack.

Some of the reasons include:

Water Damage

Ceiling cracks that develop quickly, may be a warning that you have a leak.

Whether it be a fast or slow leak, you will notice it by evidence of cracks, discolouring, or worse, mould. Wet drywall is a breeding ground for mould, and this is definitely something you don’t want to encourage.

Foundation settling

You’ve been in your house for a few years and have well and truly settled in. What may surprise you, is that your house takes a little bit longer! Yep, the ceiling cracks may simply be due to the foundation of your house settling in.

Poor workmanship

Unfortunately, some ceiling cracking can purely be due to poor design and construction or even the use of faulty building materials.


Did you know that extreme changes in temperature and humidity along with drought and floods can cause structural material to shrink and expand? This movement causes cracks to form.

Humidity particularly impacts on wood, causing door frames and skirting boards to contract and expand which will, in turn, put pressure on ceilings.

Changes to lighting

Yes, even changes to lighting. Why? Think about it… When modern or cost-effective lights are installed to replace old ones, the existing holes may simply be too big, leaving holes and cracks.

Don’t worry though, these can always be repaired.

Are your ceiling cracks worth the worry?

How do you know if you should be worrying about your ceiling cracks? Can you leave them or do they need to be repaired, fast?

In some cases, you will need to have the cracks repaired due to structural damage and risk of worsening and in some cases, you won’t.

Knowing the difference in ceiling cracks, what’s serious and what isn’t, can reduce your stress and help save your home from structural damage. So, before having them repaired, arrange for a professional (like us) to inspect your ceilings and recommend your next course of action.

Cracks in your ceiling and cornices can be expensive to repair if there are structural problems involved. Ignoring these cracks, however, will only make the problem worse and the costs much greater.

Don’t risk leaving it until it becomes a bigger problem. Let us repair, patch and paint your ceilings (your landlord will never know).

Perth Ceiling Repair Specialists

At NexGenTradies in Perth, our team of handymen specialise in ceiling repairs, patching and painting, and service residential and commercial properties across Fremantle and all Perth metro areas – all our work is covered by a 12-month warranty too, giving you extra peace of mind.

Contact us to find out more and request a free fixed quote today.