When you’ve been the victim of a break-in or attempted break-in, your property can suffer extensive damage, and you could feel stressed, upset, fearful, and generally on edge. If you find yourself in this situation, here’s how to repair property damage on your home due to break-ins or attempted break-ins.


Doors can experience and be damaged by different types of break-ins. In forced entries, the door frame might get damaged, the lock(s) might be broken or completely removed, hinges might get broken or ripped away from the frame, etc. These are all considered structural damage to the door. However, there is also the risk that vandals will break through a door and then proceed to spray paint slogans or other types of graffiti on it.

If you have security doors damaged because of a forced entry (or attempted forced entry), you should contact professionals from NexGen Tredies as fast as possible. Even if you’re not having trouble locking or unlocking your door(s), you should still have them checked out by an expert. The reason for this is that, even though the door might seem like it’s in working order, it could still be structurally unsafe after experiencing damage from a break-in.


There are a few scenarios that could cause damage to your walls if someone broke into your home. If the culprits had to climb up the side of your house or jump from the roof onto an upper window, they might have caused some cosmetic damage. They could have also broken through the wall to get in, which would cause more severe structural damage.

As there are many ways in which a wall may be damaged, it is essential to call in professionals as soon as possible to assess and repair the damage. Homeowners and business owners should also ensure that they have insurance in place for these types of incidents, which will cover the costs of replacements or repairs. Furthermore, measures should be put in place to ensure that this kind of incident does not happen again.


Locks are some of the most damaged items during break-ins. A burglar will try to open a door by breaking the lock or forcing entry. This can be by using brute force, kicking the door down or using a crowbar to pry open the door. The latter is more common as it is quicker and more effective.

If a lock is damaged in this way, it should be repaired immediately for security reasons. If the lock has been broken by force, a burglar could simply return and use the same method again to re-enter your property.

Also, when locks are broken, they become damaged and weak and will not function properly even if they have been repaired already. These locks also pose a security risk as they are easy to pick or manipulate with tools like paperclips, making them vulnerable to burglaries again. Therefore, the best course of action is to have the locks replaced with new ones that are stronger and possibly harder to manipulate or break.

Whether you need to repair a door after a would-be burglar attempt or have lost an essential because of a break-in, NexGen Tradies is a perfect choice. They offer outstanding customer service, and their prices are the lowest available in the area. Give them a call today.