There are a few strata maintenance services that require professional experience. While anyone can complete the most common tasks, several other tasks should only be left to professionals due to the risk of damage or injury. Here are five common Strata Maintenance Services that require a handyman.

Air Conditioning or Other Climate Control Services

Air conditioning is one of the most common strata maintenance services that require professional care. While it may be tempting to try and fix your air conditioning unit yourself, the truth is that this can be extremely dangerous. The gas and oil used in these units can cause serious injury if not handled properly. This is why hiring a skilled professional for all your air conditioning needs is essential.

Other climate control services that need to be done by professionals include heating systems, heat pumps, and furnaces. They can also provide regular maintenance checks on these systems to ensure they work correctly and safely.

Security Systems

Security systems can be an excellent investment for your property, but it’s important to remember that it’s about more than just installing the system. You must ensure that it is set up correctly and maintained regularly. The best way to do this is by hiring a professional handyman. They have the tools and expertise to get your security system up and to run quickly and efficiently.


Appliances are a significant part of the home. The refrigerator, for example, is a significant energy hog, and most people don’t know how to repair it. Other appliances require repairs, such as washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, and stoves.

Appliance repair is something that professionals should do because they know what they are doing. If you try to do it yourself and cause further damage, it will cost more to fix than if you had hired someone else in the first place.

Plumbing Services

Plumbing services are the most common maintenance service that requires a professional handyman. The pipes in your house are the lifeline of the entire system; if they break down, there will be chaos in your home. You should always call for a professional when you find any leakages or other issues with your plumbing system.

The reason why you should always hire a professional handyman is that they have all the tools and equipment that are required for this job. Moreover, they have years of experience in this field and know precisely how to handle any situation.

Gate Repair

The main reason why you should hire a professional for Gate Repair is that they can repair it properly. If you try to fix something yourself and don’t know what you’re doing, it can cause more damage than good. For example, if there’s an issue with the hinges or screws on your gate, if you try to fix them yourself, you might end up breaking them even further or damaging other parts of your gate in the process. If this happens, then your only option would be to replace the entire thing, which could cost more than just hiring someone who knows what they’re doing to prevent any further damage from being caused.

Hire a professional to care for your property. When it comes to Strata maintenance services, you want to hire experienced professionals like Nex Gen Tradies who can complete your job without causing additional damage. Give them a call today.